Sunday, January 20, 2008
i really dunno wat's wrong with me these days.. is like whenever i am not in school or busy like a bee i start to think stuff.. and i end up sad again? ... it just feels like i am so unwanted and i really have no idea wat am i doing .. smth bad just happened to my family and i dunno how am i gonna help .. for once i jus wan a normal life tht's all.. i just found out that money is everything and i dun hav tht ability to.. and it sucks.. all a child wants is to just make her/his parents proud and all u can do is to work damn hard and expect smth in return.. there are so many things that u gotta do and u jus cant expect anything in return and jus wait there like a dumb ass! but then there is always this smile tht makes u wanna live again.. this world is getting so packed up and is there a place for us? .. for us to succeed and be proud .. is there? .. i jus wanna give up sometimes.. i jus feel like i am fighting for the wrong reason .. wat if wat my frowns said is true? .. tht he is jus fooling u? .. love sucess.. sigh....
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